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Trigaminal Nerulgia treatment

It is severe pain in the face and is in the form of electric stings

causes of pain are:

  • The presence of a helix of arterial or venous blood vessels around the nerve roots in the brain stem area
  • Presence of a tumor in the nerve root area, such as meningioma or acoustic neuroma
  • The presence of a congenital arteriovenous connection or angioma adjacent to the brain stem
  • Complications of multiple sclerosis

Treatment methods for trigeminal neuralgia:

  • Drug treatment that gives a good response before the disease worsens
    The list of treatments includes: (Carbamezapine, Epanutin, Gabapentin, Baclofen, Tryptizol).
  • Surgical treatment by separating the artery compressing the nerve root by microsurgery
    We usually recommend this method for young patients and those under fifty. This operation is carried out through a small incision behind the ear, entering the side of the cerebellum and the brainstem, separating the harmful artery from the root of the fifth nerve, and placing an artificial piece separating the artery and the nerve. The success rate for pain control is about 90%, and the pain usually disappears immediately after the end of the surgery, and the stay period is 3-4 days.
  • Gamma Knife radiosurgery without surgery
    This modern technology is to direct gamma rays to the root of the affected nerve using a stereotactic device with a high degree of accuracy and in one session using local anesthesia and without causing wounds or bleeding.
    After we install the corrective surgery device (stereo tactic) on the patient's head using local anesthesia, we perform a 3D magnetic resonance imaging scan and transfer the images to the gamma knife computer to develop the treatment plan and target the focused gamma rays at the nerve root.
    Then we bring the patient to the gamma machine room and he lies on the bed to receive invisible and imperceptible radiation for an hour and a half and in one session, and the patient is fully conscious and without any pain, wounds or bleeding, as shown in the picture above. Usually the patient comes to the hospital in the morning and leaves in the afternoon after completing the treatment.
    As for the disappearance of pain, it occurs gradually during the three months following treatment, and the success rate is about 90%, whether the pain disappears completely or partially.
    We recommend this method for elderly patients, patients over fifty years of age, and some young patients, depending on their preference

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