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Tourette's syndrome treatment

Tourette Syndrome Treatment of Tourette Syndrome by Implantation of Electroencephal Stimulators

The condition is called Tourette Syndrome, according to the French doctor who discovered the condition. He described the disease as a result of a genetic or hereditary disorder. It affects children aged 7-10 years. It leads to a disorder in the central nervous system (the brain), which causes the patient to suffer from frequent tics and inability to move. Control of movements and sounds (verbals) and involuntary movements of the muscles of the forehead, eyelids, mouth and the whole body, and the movements are stereotypical and repetitive.

The incidence of the syndrome is estimated at 2% of the population, and the patterns of involuntary movements usually change over time, and the symptoms vary between mild and severe.

Our patient suffers from involuntary movements, crying, and poor academic performance since he was ten years old, and the symptoms developed until they became symptoms that were repeated dozens of times a day, which kept him away from studying and retreating to the house.

After studying the case and the failure of multiple treatments, including psychological therapies, which gave a weak effect, the patient was referred to our center for implantation of electrical brain stimulators, and after discussing the case with colleagues specialists in London and Vienna, we concluded that the optimal treatment for this case is the implantation of electrical brain stimulators for the middle frontal side ( The sensory and psychological aspect) of the right and left internal pallid ganglia. The surgery to implant the brain electrical stimulators was successfully performed, which gave better results than expected during the four months that followed the operation.

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